Special Nitrogen Making Machine for Laser Cutting Machine

Special Nitrogen Making Machine for Laser Cutting Machine

Process application:
The main advantages of laser cutting nitrogen machine are high cutting quality and wide processing range. In nitrogen cutting, the material is melted completely by laser energy, and nitrogen is blown out of the cutting seam to avoid inappropriate chemical reaction. The melting point temperature is relatively low. With the cooling and protection function of nitrogen, the reaction is stable and even, and the cutting quality is high.

Technical parameter table:
Model Purity%
Air consumption
Overall dimension(m)
Model Purity%
Air consumption
Overall dimension(m)
DP-10 99 10 0.6 2.0×1.3×2.2 DP-100 99 100 5.9 3.4×1.8×2.9
99.5 0.67 2.1×1.3×2.3 99.5 6.7 3.6×2.3×3.5
99.9 0.75 2.2×1.4×2.4 99.9 7.5
99.99 0.85 2.4×2.0×2.3 99.99 8.4 4.8×2.35×3.3
99.9995 1.5 2.6×2.1×2.4
DP-20 99 20 1.2 2.2×1.4×2.3 DP-150 99 150 8.8 3.6×1.8×3.2
99.5 1.4 2.3×1.4×2.5 99.5 10
99.9 1.5 99.9 11.3 3.8×2.2×3.6
99.99 1.7 2.5×2.3×2.4 99.99 12.7 6.6×2.4×3.3
99.9995 3 2.6×2.1×2.5
DP-30 99 30 1.75 2.4×1.5×2.3 DP-200 99 200 11.7 3.6×2.1×3.5
99.5 2 2.4×1.5×2.6 99.5 13.4 4.0×2.3×3.8
99.9 2.3 99.9 15
99.99 2.6 2.6×2.1×2.4 99.99 16.8 7.2×2.4×3.4
99.999 3.1 2.7×2.1×2.6
99.9995 4.5 2.8×1.8×2.8 DP-250 99 250 14.6 4.2×2.1×3.6
DP-40 99 40 2.4 2.6×1.6×2.5 99.5 16.7 4.3×2.3×3.8
99.5 2.7 2.8×1.65×2.65 99.9 18.8
99.9 3 DP-300 99 300 17.5 4.6×2.3×3.8
99.99 3.4 2.9×2.2×2.26 99.5 20.5 4.8×2.3×3.9
99.9995 6 3.0×2.3×2.8 99.9 22.0
DP-50 99 50 3 2.9×1.7×2.4 DP-350 99 350 20.4 4.7×2.3×3.9
99.5 3.4 3.0×1.7×2.5 99.5 23.4 4.9×2.3×4.0
99.9 3.75 99.9 26.3
99.99 4.2 3.1×2.3×2.8 DP-400 99 400 23.4 5.0×2.3×3.8
99.9995 7.5 3.2×2.3×2.9 99.5 26.7 5.5×2.1×4.0
DP-60 99 60 3.5 3.1×1.65×2.55 99.9 30
99.5 4 3.2×1.6×2.7 DP-500 99 500 29.2 5.5×2.0×3.9
99.9 4.5 99.5 34 6.5×2.0×4.1
99.99 5.1 3.4×2.3×3.1 99.9 37.6
99.9995 9 3.4×2.3×3.3 DP-600 99 600 35 6.5×2.2×3.8
DP-70 99 70 4 3.3×1.7×2.6 99.5 40 7.0×2.2×4.0
99.5 4.7 3.4×1.7×2.8 99.9 45
99.9 5.3 DP-800 99 800 46.7 7.6×2.3×4.1
99.99 5.9 3.6×2.3×3.5 99.5 53.4 7.8×2.3×4.3
DP-80 99 80 4.7 3.6×1.8×2.9 99.9 60
99.5 5.4 3.8×1.9×3.1 DP-1000 99 1000 58.4 8.2×2.3×4.3
99.9 6 99.5 66.7 8.8×2.3×4.5
99.99 6.7 4.2×2.35×3.2 99.9 75


